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Intensive Care Medicine (ICM)
This can be divided into three headings; Basic ICM, Intermediate ICM and Advanced ICM.
ICM – Basic
This is acquired by satisfactory completion of a 3month module in Intensive Care during years 1 or 2 of Specialist training (ST 1 or ST2) in either an Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) or Anaesthesia programme. The trainee must satisfactorily complete the part 3 competencies and the workplace based assessments.
During ST 1/2 and prior to application for a parent specialty programme in Anaesthesia, Medicine or Emergency Medicine you are well advised to complete all the complementary specialty training if you intend to apply for a dual CCT in Intensive Care along with your chosen specialty. The trainee who completes an ACCS programme is therefore well placed as he or she has the opportunity to complete this training within their programme.
Please note that it will not generally be possible to complete the complementary specialty training (ie Acute Medicine) once you have commenced an ST3-7 post in Anaesthesia.
ICM - Intermediate
All trainees intending to complete the Intermediate Intensive Care training should enroll with the Intensive Care Board. Look at the website for the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Intensive Care Medicine (IBTICM).
In essence, to be eligible, you should have completed six months of medicine and three months of intensive care at a basic level (ST1-2). After August 2007 this will mainly be done through the ACCS route. The training is achieved by completing two three month blocks of intensive care medicine, which are usually done in ST3-4. You then also have to produce 10 case reports. For examples of what is required see on the IBTICM website in The Curriculum for the CCT in ICM – Part II.
ICM - Advanced
Entry to advanced training is through a competitive interview. This is normally done in years ST5-7. There are 4 posts per year. The posts rotate through Bath, Bristol Royal Infirmary, and Frenchay, with 2 months in Paediatric Intensive Care at The Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and 1 month in Birmingham. Completion of the advanced year will ultimately lead to a joint CCT in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. When planning your year in Advanced ICM, bear in mind that you have to do at least 18 months of anaesthesia in years ST5-7 to obtain your CCT in anaesthesia.
For more information, please look at the IBTICM website or contact the Programme Director - Dr Jeremy Bewley. The regional adviser for ICM is Dr Timothy Gould.
ICM Part 3
ICM Part 4
ICM Part 5 need to insert these docs
Advanced ICM Teaching
The next Advanced ICM Teaching Day (Trauma/Coagulation) is on 31st March 2011 at Frenchay Hospital commencing at 1.30 pm.
For advanced trainees in ICM please see link below for QEH, Birmingham and your contact there is Dr Nilesh Parekh, Consultant.
ICU Teaching/Journal Club
There is ICU teaching/journal club for all trainees interested in ICM. It is from 2 - 4 pm (ish), meet in Anaesthetic Department, Frenchay Hospital. For more details email Aidan Marsh - at Frenchay or Jules.Brown
Also look on the website .
Please see the link - for further information.