Final FRCA Teaching Day

Category: Training - Final FRCA Teaching Days

Date: September 25th 2014

Location: the Library, Anaesthetic Dept, Level 7, Bristol Royal Infirmary BS2 8AE

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Final FRCA Study Day (Paediatrics 1)

09:15 – 10:00

How to obtain consent for anaesthesia in children and the law as relates to children in respect of consent, restraint and research and the concept of ‘Gillick competence’ - Philip Segar

10:00- 10:45

Perioperative fluid therapy - Beverly Guard

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00- 11:45

How to recognise and manage the critically ill child - William Marriage


Pyloric stenosis and Pyloromyotomy - Judith Nolan

12:30-13:15 LUNCH (not provided)


The principles of stabilisation and safe transport of critically ill children and babies - Will Marriage

14:00- 14:45

The paediatric airway and management of acute airway obstruction including croup, epiglottitis and inhaled foreign body - Richard Beringer


The anaesthetic management of neonates and infants for minor operations, major elective and emergency surgery - Anthony Bradley

15:30 – 16:15

Anaesthesia for plastic surgical procedures - Adrian Upex