Post primary FRCA Teaching Day
Category: Training - Primary FRCA Teaching Days
Date: March 16th 2023
Location: Royal United Hospital, Bath
Location : RUH ( Anaesthetic Department Seminar Room)
Timings 0930 - 1530
Proposed Timetable
0900 - 0930 - Registration & Coffee (Tea/Coffee & Pastries provided)
0930 - 1015 - Pre-Operative assessment and Pre- Medication - Paul Hersch
1030 - 1115 - Physiology & Anatomical Differences - Chris Marsh
1130 - 1215 - Drugs and Equipment - Amelia Davies
1215 - 1300 - Lunch
1300 - 1330 - Unwell Child / Paeds Emergencies - TBC
1330 - 1400 - Acute Pain in Children - Nicola Pilkington
1400 - 1530 - 3x 30 min Sim stations