This summer’s BIF course is being held on Wednesday 24th - Thursday 25th May at Engineer’s House in Clifton.
Cost is £395
Registration opens on 3rd April.
Creating a new NHS England: Health Education England, NHS Digital and NHS England have merged. Learn more.
Posted February 20th 2023 (2 years ago)
This summer’s BIF course is being held on Wednesday 24th - Thursday 25th May at Engineer’s House in Clifton.
Cost is £395
Registration opens on 3rd April.
Posted November 23rd 2022 (2 years ago)
The annual Educational Supervisors Update Day is taking place on 22nd March 2023 at HEE SW, Park House, Bristol for all Educational Supervisors within Severn. To book a place, please do so via the Events tab.
Topics tbc
Posted August 9th 2022 (3 years ago)
OneBrain - Monday 14th November 2022
Dear All,
We are planning to run our next OneBrain Course on Monday 14th November 2022 at the UHBW Simulation Centre.
This simulation-based course provides an overview of key issues in Neuroanaesthesia and is predominantly aimed at post-Primary CT2's and ST3/4. Reviewing core topics in Neuroanaesthesia, it would be of particular value to the trainee about to take the Final FRCA or who is about to start their Neuroanaesthetic / Neuro-ITU block at Southmead Hospital.
This course is endorsed by the College Tutors at Southmead Hospital.
At present OneBrain is subsidised by the Deanery and costs £63 for Severn Trainees and £246 for external candidates. Places on the course can be booked via the Bristol Simulation Centre website - One Brain | UHBW Simulation Centre (
Please contact me if you have any questions about the course.
Best wishes,
Dr Amit Goswami
Consultant Anaesthetist
North Bristol NHS Trust
Posted August 2nd 2022 (3 years ago)
BristolQ - Final written revision course
BristolQ will be starting within the next few weeks, it is an onlineweekly revision session with practice CRQs for those preparing for the written final in September. If you are interesting in participating please email with your name, phone number, current hospital and grade.
Also if anyone is interested in helping to run BristolQ please email too, its very rewarding and great for your CV!
Posted May 4th 2022 (3 years ago)
Taking place on Friday 1st July 2022 & 27th January 2023. For further details email -
Posted May 4th 2022 (3 years ago)
Taking placce on 13th June 2022. Please see BMSC website for further details.
Posted January 27th 2022 (3 years ago)
The next STAR conference is taking place on 22nd February 2022. See newsletter for further information.
Posted January 27th 2022 (3 years ago)
The one lung course is taking place on 21st & 22nd March 2022. Please see newsletter for further information.
Posted January 27th 2022 (3 years ago)
The CAT 3 Less than full-time training application window is open for trainees within the School. Closing date 14th February 2022. Please see email Julie Flowers if you have not received details via email.
Posted October 19th 2021 (3 years ago)
Academic posts now open for applications, for further information please follow link
Posted September 9th 2021 (4 years ago)
Bristol Intensive Final Course (BIF) 4th and 5th November 2021
If you are planning to sit the Final FRCA Structured Oral Examinations in December 2021 and would like a place on the next BIF course please apply online at: Applications open on Monday the 13th of September 2021
You DO NOT need to have already passed the written to apply: a full refund will be issued for those who do not get through to the SOE.
Day One: viva practice on all core subjects, viva technique, anatomy teaching and clinical case presentation skill practice
Day Two: formal Basic Science and Clinical vivas. Candidates can expect up to 12 full vivas under exam conditions
The course usually runs at Engineers House in Bristol but has been run virtually for the past 2 courses, the format for this course will be confirmed at a later date. There are only 12 places available and the last course had to turn Severn trainees away!! Please apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Posted August 11th 2021 (4 years ago)
The Bath FICM Teaching Day has been rearranged to take place on 27th September and not 16th September as previously stated.
Posted August 11th 2021 (4 years ago)
We are a group of like minded trainee’s and health care professionals with a shared passion for the environment and Sustainability in healthcare, our aims are;
1. Raise awareness of the impact healthcare is having on the environment.
2. To reduce the negative impact healthcare is having on the environment.
3. To promote and support high quality collaborative education, research and QI in the field.
If you are interested or would like to find out more please get in touch at or follow us @SEASN12 to keep up to date with what is going on.
Thanks, S.E.A.S.N Team
Posted July 21st 2021 (4 years ago)
See RCoA website for curriculum implementation updates
Posted May 27th 2021 (4 years ago)
The School is holding an evening webinar on the forthcoming ICM eportfolio change to Lifelong Learning Platform on 10th June 2021 at 7 pm (via zoom)
Organisers - Cathy Challifour & Liz Williams.
If you have not received the zoom link, please email Julie Flowers, Education Programme Manager
Posted May 24th 2021 (4 years ago)
Please see link below for further information from the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Posted April 21st 2021 (4 years ago)
We are delighted to now be recruiting for THREE brilliant opportunities to join the STAR executive committee. Please see attached flyer. If you are interested, please send a few paragraphs about yourself and why you would be suited to the role to by the 10th May 2021. All anaesthesia or ICM trainees are eligible to apply, regardless of research experience.
Want more details on STAR or the positions available? Please feel free to drop an email to the address above or to for an informal chat.
STAR Chair *Leadership position – previous research experience desirable but not essential!*
- Lead the STAR committee and organisation
- Oversee all STAR work streams and projects
- Chair STAR meetings
- Represent STAR regionally and nationally
- Attend RAFT national meetings
- Previous leadership experience strongly encouraged
Anaesthesia Vice Chair
- Represent STAR when the chair is unavailable
- Oversee engagement of Anaesthesia trainees in the organisation
- Contribute Anaesthesia focussed ideas and developments
- Work closely with the Chair and ICM Vice Chair in steering the organisations activity
Events Lead
- Lead on organising all STAR events
- Coordinate speakers and venue for the STAR annual congress
- Lead STAR’s contribution to SASWR conferences
- Work closely with the STAR committee in general duties and projects
Posted April 14th 2021 (4 years ago)
For updated information on Out of Programme (OOPP)
Posted April 14th 2021 (4 years ago)
For further information please see Faculty website
Posted April 14th 2021 (4 years ago)
A couple of opportunities have arisen for the following roles –
ICM Trainee Representative
ICM Eportfolio Trainee Representative(s)
Please email Julie Flowers if you are interested in either role.
Posted January 25th 2021 (4 years ago)
Unfortunately the Haematology Final FRCA Teaching on 28th January 2021 has been postponed and will take place later this year.
Posted January 12th 2021 (4 years ago)
Please follow link for ICU COVID information documents
Posted December 3rd 2020 (4 years ago)
The NBT Crammer Course is going ahead in a new on-line format in January 2021. Please register your interest via the Crammer website Further details and confirmed dates will be available soon.
Posted November 10th 2020 (4 years ago)
Unfortunately the Final FRCA & FICM Teaching Day due to take place has been postponed and will take place on another date.
Posted May 27th 2020 (5 years ago)
Please see the training section on the Royal College of Anaesthetists website for further ARCP guidance.
Posted April 27th 2020 (5 years ago)
Where possible the School of Anaesthesia & ICM will be scheduling the summer ARCPs in the usual way. We will be contacting you over the next 2 weeks with your confirmed ARCP date, if we have not already done so. There will be no face-to-face meetings and less evidence required including no MSF. Further details will be forwarded in due course.
Posted March 16th 2020 (5 years ago)
The Educational Supervisors Update Day due to take place on Monday 23rd March has been postponed and will take place later in the year.
Posted January 30th 2020 (5 years ago)
This course is aimed at ST5+ trainees in the Bristol School. Topics to include Defining the role & expectations of Educational Supervisors in the School, Educational Appraisal Tools, Skills practice, supporting trainees in difficulty.
To book a place please do so via the Events tab.
Posted July 29th 2019 (6 years ago)
Layth Tameem, founder of the regional wellbeing initiative WARD, was awarded first prize at the HEE 2019 HEAT Awards on 18th July 2019. He won first prize in the Inspiring Trainee/Student educator award. It was very well deserved and the School are very proud of him.
Posted June 6th 2019 (6 years ago)
The FICM (Cardiac) Teaching Day is taking place on 18th June 2019 at BRI. Please book a place via the Events tab.
Posted May 1st 2019 (6 years ago)
If you are attending your ARCP during the summer and are unsure if you should be using the RCoA Lifelong Learning Platform or the eportfolio system, please email Julie Flowers. For further information and guidance on using the system, please see the LLP guidance on the RCoA website or contact Tom Woodward or Gen O'Farrell, Bristol School LLP Champions.
Posted March 19th 2019 (6 years ago)
Please note the PFSD on the 27th March at Cheltenham is 10AM-4PM not 08.30 as advertised in the school newsletter.
Posted February 26th 2019 (6 years ago)
The FICM Teaching Day due to take place on 19th March has been cancelled and will take place at a later date.
Posted January 18th 2019 (6 years ago)
The Haematology Final FRCA Teaching Day has been cancelled and will take place in April (date to be advised).
Posted October 29th 2018 (6 years ago)
The Annual School Christmas Celebration Evening will take place on Thursday 13th December 2018 in the MShed from 7 pm until late. All welcome - trainees/fellows/Consultants for tickets please email Katie - or Emma -
Posted September 20th 2018 (7 years ago)
The Final FRCA Training Day (topic Statistics & Clinical Trials) due to take place on 11th December is now taking place on 29th November 2018
Venue - Anaesthetic Library – Level 7 Bristol Royal Infirmary
Posted September 4th 2018 (7 years ago)
The PFSD & FICM Teaching days have now been merged and will take place on 18th September 2018.
Posted May 21st 2018 (7 years ago)
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the PFSD at Bath on 23rd May 2018 and this will be rearranged to take place at a later date.
Posted February 28th 2018 (7 years ago)
This event is taking place on 9th May 2018 as a training event for the RCoA Lifelong Learning Platform and is aimed at Severn TPDs, College Tutors, Educational Supervisors & Clinical supervisors in Anaesthesia. The training will take place from 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm at Severn PGME HQ, Vantage Office Park, Hambrook, Bristol. To book a place please do so via the events section.
Posted November 23rd 2017 (7 years ago)
Please see Recruitment tab for further details.
Posted May 3rd 2017 (8 years ago)
The Bristol School of Anaesthesia & ICM will be holding its School Induction on Thursday 7th September 2017 at UHBristol Education Centre commencing at 5 pm (tea and coffee available from 4.30 pm)
Posted March 7th 2017 (8 years ago)
This year the Royal College of Anaesthetists will celebrate 25 years since gaining its Royal Charter. As part of the celebrations, they are planning a year-long programme of events and activities that will celebrate the achievements of the College; its history and role in the development of the specialty and our vision for the specialty for the next 25 years. Full details about the 25th Anniversary celebrations can be found on their website.
Posted March 7th 2017 (8 years ago)
SASWR Meeting being held on 25th & 26th May 2017 at Cheltenham Race Course, further details on their website -
Posted October 26th 2016 (8 years ago)
The RCoA is giving trainees from each School the opportunity to nominate 2-3 local trainers for an award as a part of the 25th Year Anniversary in 2017. please see School newsletter for further information or email Tom Barrett, Specialty Trainee Representative
Posted August 24th 2016 (9 years ago)
The School Induction is taking place on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 5 pm followed by drinks at Colston Yard at 6.30 pm.
Posted July 14th 2016 (9 years ago)
One Brain Course - Neuroanaesthesia Simulation Course is taking place on Monday 31st October 2016, Bristol Medical Simulation Centre (opposite BRI) Suitable for all trainees, especially those about to start their neuro attachment and those sitting the final FRCA exam soon. Book a place through the website for the Simulation centre
Posted July 14th 2016 (9 years ago)
To all School trainees intending to sit the final written paper of the FRCA in September,
We would like to invite you to come along to the first Bristol Q session on Monday 18th July in the BRI anaesthetic department running from 6pm to about 8pm. The Sessions run over 8 weeks, and generally get great feedback - its a fantastic way to both improve your knowledge, get used to the format of the exam and meet other people who are going through the same pain as you!
The format for the first session will be an introduction to the course and probably four practise questions, followed by an opportunity to look through some answer sheets.
Posted June 23rd 2016 (9 years ago)
Unfortunately, the PFSD due to take place on 29th June 2016 has been cancelled.
Posted April 5th 2016 (9 years ago)
There have been some cancellations and changes to the next couple of PFSDs as follows -
6th April (Cheltenham) - cancelled
27th April (Swindon) - cancelled, now being held on 8th June
25th May (Bath) - rearranged to take place on 18th May
Posted February 25th 2016 (9 years ago)
The Cheltenham Postfellowship Study Day due to take place on Wednesday 30th March and then Wednesday 6th April has been cancelled. The day will take place later in the year.
Posted November 20th 2015 (9 years ago)
The Joint Peninsula & Severn ICM STC Meeting due to be held on 1st December, has been cancelled and rearranged to take place on 9th February 2016 at Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club
Posted October 12th 2015 (9 years ago)
PHEM posts have now been advertised, please see NHS Jobs website and Health Education East website.
Posted October 2nd 2015 (9 years ago)
Date : 22nd December 2015
Time : 7 pm for 8 pm
Venue : Clifton Lido
Bookings are already being taken for the social event of the year - the trainees Christmas Dinner! Black Tie! Cost is £35.
Please note that in order that all trainees who wish to come can do so bookings are currently open to those in the School of Anaesthesia & ICM only. Partners are very much welcome (and encouraged!) and we will open bookings to them in about three weeks so trainees do book now - last year it was sold out...
To reserve a place please e-mail Dr Ben Gupta for bank transfer details, Alex Loosley & Ben Gupta, Social Representatives
Posted October 2nd 2015 (9 years ago)
Venue : Racks, Clifton
Time : 7.30 pm
Date : 9th October 2015
Calling all trainees new and old! Come and meet the new folks and/or catch up with friends who have been hiding in the shires over a drink. Come along at 7:30 pm for relaxed drinks with good pub grub if you fancy it...
Hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Posted September 29th 2015 (10 years ago)
This Edgecumbe-run Educational Supervisors Course is being held for senior trainees within the School. To book a place, please do so via the Events section of this website.
Posted September 29th 2015 (10 years ago)
This is an update day for all College Tutors, Faculty Tutors and Educational Supervisors Day in the School. It is taking place on Tuesday 8th March at Engineers House, to book a place please email Julie Flowers.
Posted May 21st 2015 (10 years ago)
NEW SOCIAL EVENTS for 2015* Get them in your diaries!
Saturday 20th June - Canoe the River Wye – Bookings required ASAP!!
Please email Alex or Ben, your social reps, asap to reserve a place. Cost is £20/person (excluding lunch) and all equipment is included. Book now to avoid disappointment as PLACES ARE LIMITED!
Sunday 30th August 2015 – School Summer BBQ
Come and enjoy the School Summer BBQ. Eat, drink, mingle. Summer games on offer. More details to follow!
Posted March 20th 2015 (10 years ago)
For all Primary, Final, FICM & Postfellowship Teaching Days, please either book a place via the Events section of the School website or email apologies to Julie Flowers, School Manager.
Posted June 24th 2014 (11 years ago)
Due to the RTIC Training Day being held on 17th July 2014, the FICM Teaching Day on 15th July has been postponed.
Posted March 4th 2014 (11 years ago)
Update for prospective ST3 applicants
From looking at the West Midlands deanery website there may be some potential confusion. I have been speaking with the West Midlands deanery and would like to clarify some issues around the "clustering" of our interviews with the Peninsula school.
1) Number of Jobs - As things stand today there are 13 ST3 posts for August in Severn and 11 in the Peninsula deanery
2) Units of application - The South West is a single unit of application and at the time of initial application is the only preferencing possible
3) Preferencing between Severn and Peninsula - Once the application window has passed and all the applications have been long listed (i.e. ensure they meet all the essential criteria of the job application) then candidates will be asked to preference posts within their unit of application. This is because a different computer system is being utilised to control the national offers process. Within the South West you will be able to prioritise which School of Anaesthesia you would prefer, you will also be given the option to not accept a post from one of the individual schools.
4) The interviews will be held at the Severn PGME and all applicants who have applied to the South West Unit of Application will be interviewed.
5) Offers will then be made according to rank, a minimum score of 110 out of 200 will be required to be eligible to receive an offer. There will be 3 mandatory stations and one local simulation station.
6) Clearing will be available to applicants who were deemed appointable at interview but who have not been made an offer, it will not include canddidates who have been made an offer that they chose to decline.
I hope this clarifies any concerns regarding the offers process but I am very happy to talk directly to any individuals who have concerns.
Tom Simpson
TPD Anaesthesia ST programme Severn
Posted December 20th 2013 (11 years ago)
From the BristolQ Team:
For those of you intending to sit the Final FRCA written exam in March next year, we have now set the dates for the BristolQ sessions leading up to the exam. These give the opportunity to practise short answer questions in exam conditions and are a brilliant way of targeting your revision! Completely free to Severn trainees (if you write a question for our database...).
January 15th
January 22nd
February 5th
February 12th
February 19th
February 26th
March 5th
March 11th - EXAM!
(No BristolQ 29th January - Crammer Course)
Please contact us on as soon as possible to register your interest. More details of the sessions will be sent out nearer the dates.
Anna, Helen and Kate, BristolQ Team
Posted October 10th 2013 (11 years ago)
The School is holding a Christmas social drinks evening on 4th December 2013 from 5 pm onwards at a venue to be confirmed! Further details will appear here in due course.
Posted July 8th 2013 (12 years ago)
From August 2014 the advanced paediatric anaesthetic training posts we offer will be re-structured. The posts will be available to those in ST5 and above (with preference given to those in ST6 and ST7). All Bristol School trainees at ST3 and above should already have received detailed information regarding this, if not please email Julie Flowers, Manager Severn Postgraduate School of Anaesthesia & ICM.
If you are a Bristol School trainee and would like further information, please email Judith Nolan, Educational Supervisor for Paediatric Anaesthesia. The Deadline date is 30th August 2013.
Posted November 8th 2012 (12 years ago)
Wednesday 5th December 2012
commencing at 3.00 pm
In Lecture Theatre 2, UHBristol Education Centre
Posted October 25th 2012 (12 years ago)
The Final FRCA Teaching Day on 2nd November 2012 will now be held at Frenchay Hospital and not Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Posted October 15th 2012 (12 years ago)
Applications are invited for advanced posts in Intensive Care Medicine, which are available within the Severn Deanery and Peninsula Deanery they give 1-2 years training to achieve CCT in Intensive Care Medicine.
Please follow link for all details -
Posted October 9th 2012 (12 years ago)
The Bristol School of Anaesthesia will be holding its annual School Forum and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 5th December 2012 in Bristol. Further details will appear here shortly.
Posted October 4th 2012 (12 years ago)
Tuesday 20th November 2012
The Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton
Managing the needs of bariatric patients & optimising surgical outcome
South West Surgical Training Network
Originally run in 2011 as a South West Regional Bariatric Study Day, this informative course is open to all healthcare professionals involved in caring for bariatric patients.
This 1-day course, led by Yasmin Ferguson, Bariatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, will involve presentations from other members of the highly successful Musgrove Park Hospital multi-disciplinary Bariatric Team,
Delegates will benefit from information and discussion on:
Consultants/ GPs: £80
Trainees: £60
Other HCPs: £40
There are a limited number of FREE places available for MPH staff (refundable deposit required)
For more information please contact: SWSTN Admin Office
c/o Yeovil AcademyYeovil District Hospital
Telephone: 01935 384529
Online booking at
Previous delegates said:
“Excellent day covering both surgical and medical aspects of obesity. Thank you.”
“Really enjoyed the day. Excellent view of patient journey.”
Posted July 23rd 2012 (13 years ago)
The interviews for ST3 posts will take place on Thursday 11th October (and possibly 12th October) at Severn Deanery HQ. The projected number of vacancies is between 2 and 4. If you have any queries about the School, rotation, hospitals or application process please feel free to contact either Dr Ted Rees, Specialty Training Programme Director or Dr Su Underwood, Head of School.
Posted June 21st 2012 (13 years ago)
To All Trainees:
Thank you all so much for your contribution to the GMC training survey this year. The Severn Deanery has a 99% response rate and is likely to have got the highest national response rate once again this year. We guarantee that the results from this year’s survey will be closely monitored by the Deanery, Trusts and Schools with the aim of improving postgraduate medical education.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey in 2012.
Best wishes, Su Underwood, Head of School
Posted May 29th 2012 (13 years ago)
Final FRCA Practice Vivas taking place from 28, 29, 30 May, 6, 7 June, 11 - 14 June, 18 - 21 June - 6 pm in the Library, BRI.
Posted April 20th 2012 (13 years ago)
The Intensive Care Foundation would like to invite all young investigators to submit applications for this year’s “Young Investigator Award.”
Don’t get caught out – submit your application today!
Equal weighting will be given to quality clinical research projects and laboratory-based projects that have a relevance to the field of intensive care.
Individual applications may be granted up to £15,000
For instructions and application forms click HERE
For more information contact
Grace Elliott –
Posted March 22nd 2012 (13 years ago)
Limited availability for workshops
Booking has now opened for the trainee GAT ASM in Glasgow on the 27-29 June 2012. As well as a jam packed scientific programme we are running a number of practical and hands on workshops including
Find out more on the GAT ASM website
Posted November 24th 2011 (13 years ago)
The new School of Anaesthesia website is now Live!!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Julie Flowers, School Support Manager.