ARCPs – ESSRs / CUTs and LLP evidence: Update May 2020
See RCOA website for ARCPS during Covid
- Follow RCOA guidance – ARCP checklist.
- The ESSR must be submitted to the ARCP panel a minimum of 7 days prior to the ARCP date.
- For the ARCP a single ESSR should be generated which covers the full time period i.e. from last ARCP date to current date. To be visible on the ESSR all personal activities, entries, reflections must also fall within these dates.
- Any CUT forms completed within old e portfolio since last milestone (e.g. since BLTC for intermediate trainees and since ILTC for higher) must be uploaded as pdfs to LLP and assigned to that UoT. If possible (to turn the donut green), a new CUT should be signed off on LLP for that UoT (i.e. with old eportfolio CUT uploaded as evidence to the UoT – ES signs off with comment ‘previously signed off on old eportfolio on xxx date’), but this is not essential as long as pdfs of old CUTs are visible.
- Total summary logbook – upload total logbook PRE LLP as well to include specialty summary / level of supervision / procedures. The logbook for both the past year AND the career total logbook must be uploaded.
- CV – CV should be uploaded and recent update important especially if ST6 ARCP.
- Form R must be uploaded (Covid self declaration in 2020). When adding a Form R ensure that the start / end dates are within the dates that the ESSR spans, otherwise it will not be visible within the ESSR.
- Learners comments (Section 16):
Summarise activity across the year in this section ideally under subheadings and bullet points:
Units of training – current, completed since last ARCP, Remaining for Stage of training
Don’t worry if there isn’t much to add under certain subheadings! – the idea is to give a structure & to bring everything together as an overview of the year. - Reflection: see comments in RCOA guidance above. Some evidence of reflective practice should be evident within LLP – this may be a personal reflection on what a trainee has learned in a UoT, through a non clinical activity or a clinical reflection (focussing on key learning points rather than the ‘case report’). Good WBAs often include a lot of reflective practice too. A separate reflection added to the LLP should be linked to a clinical or non clinical competency.
Where necessary (i.e. significant incident, complaint, RCA) ES should indicate that the trainee has fully reflected on / discussed the case with them or with someone else, and whether this is still under review or closed (this is important in regards to evidence for the Form R).
CUT forms:
The following should be visible as evidence within the CUT form:
- Relevant WBAs
- Personal activities (with reflection of CPD) to demonstrate knowledge / skills to fulfil curriculum requirements attained through other means where necessary e.g. course attendance, reading related BJAEd articles
- UoT specific logbook – filtered from overall logbook and reattached to UoT so experience / case mix for UoT readily visible
- Reflections where applicable
- Feedback – upload unit specific consultant feedback and assign to UoT so that it appears within the CUT form
All instructional videos for the LLP can be accessed via this LINK.