- Primary FRCA Teaching days
- Final FRCA Teaching days
- Postfellowship Study days
- ICM Teaching Days
- FRCA Courses
- Simulation Courses
- Other Courses
Teaching Days
Primary, Final, PFSD & FICM Teaching Days are being delivered either face-2-face, virtually or a hybrid model and where possible recordings will also available via the Hub.
Primary FRCA
Please see for a list of all Primary FRCA Teaching days
It has been our intention not to clash with Final fellowship teaching, as well as half term etc. Topics suggested are guides only to try and cover most of the syllabus and can be amended. I have chosen the dates to prevent clashing with Final FRCA teaching sessions, exams or holidays (as much as possible) and to maximise opportunities prior to exam dates.
The Primary MCQ guide is written by Bristol core trainees and offers some practical advice and tips on how to approach the MCQ part of the Primary FRCA exam. Judith Stedeford, Core TPD.
Final FRCA
Final FRCA teaching days take place on Fridays generally once every three weeks. Please see Events tab for a full list. If you would like to change any of the days listed below can you please contact Junaid Fukuta, Lead for Final FRCA Teaching Programme.
Post Fellowship Study Days
There are approximately seven PFSDs a year, please see Events tab for a full list. These are organised by the senior trainees for post fellowship trainees. Each hospital within the rotation takes it in turn to organise the study days.
Previous topics covered in 2019 -
30th January - NBT (Wellbeing & Pain Psychology), 27th March - Cheltenham (US Teaching, management, shortlisting & interviews, the struggling trainee) , 24th April - Swindon (preparing for Consultant interviews, Nepal/ENT, pensions, mountain medicine), 22nd May - Bath (Regional Anaesthesia, ABC of Pre-hospital care, Echo Skills), 26th June - BRI (work life balance, SWeAT study, Leadership mentor, Fellowships, working overseas), 10th July - NBT (ACSA, Pre-hospital, Mercy Ships, Prei-op, the awareness Project), 18th October - Glos, 20th November - Swindon
Previous topics covered in 2020
4th March - Bath (NHS coaching, social medial, GMC updates)
Previous topics covered in 2021
27th January - Glos (novel regional techniques, practical tips on supervising juniors, non-clinical curriculum topics)
17th March - Bath
15th September - NBT (curriculum changes, regional Anaesthesia)
Dates for 2022
18th May - Glos (Wellbeing walk)
15th June - UHBW
7th September - Bath
12th October - NBT
16th November - Swindon (Legal topics)
There is a region wide intensive care teaching programme open for all to attend. The sessions run on Tuesdays and will be hosted by BRI, North Bristol, Gloucester/Cheltenham and RUH. A full programme is available under the Events Tab and the HUB. Lead clinicians - Dr Charlie Pope and Dr Peter Blenkinsop.
Simulation Courses
There are many courses run at the Bristol Simulation Centre aimed at anaesthetists. These include:
- Transport of the critically ill
- Team training for critical incidents
For more information see the Bristol Simulation Centre website.
Other Courses
New-2-ICU Course
This is a course designed for Foundation or junior ST grade doctors who have started or are due to start working on an intensive care unit. The course provides practical, hands-on experience, making these doctors capable and proficient in the basic requirements of junior doctors in the day-to-day running of an intensive care unit both during the day and at night. It will also teach them the skills and knowledge they will require to manage emergency situations prior to the arrival of senior help.
Anatomy for Anaesthetists Course
Anatomy for Anaesthetists is a unique one day course designed by a group of anaesthetic registrars from the Severn Deanery. It is open to all anaesthetists and provides excellent preparation for all parts of the FRCA examination. The day involves structured stations that cover the anatomy relevant to anaesthesia and is taught by enthusiastic and knowledgeable University demonstrators and anaesthetists. Delegates have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with cadaveric prosected specimens as well as detailed models and diagrams. Teaching is informal, interactive and restricted to small groups so early booking is essential!
For more information please contact the Anatomy for Anaesthetists Team .
Management Courses
The management course for trainees in Anaesthesia at Keele/Southmead and Brighton University are popular.